Note to Parents

Little League Baseball

What We Expect from You

Thank you for entrusting your child to the Edgebrook Sauganash Athletic Association. We hope that our board and coaches will prove worthy of the responsibility. However, for us to succeed, we need your help. Here are some things we'd like you to do:

  1. Remember that we are dealing with children. Although every parent hopes their child will make it to the major leagues or the Olympics, it has yet to happen in the history of the association. So for most children, what is important is that they have fun, make some new friends, and learn the fundamentals of the great games of baseball and softball. Please try to keep this in perspective. It's fine to cheer for your team; and it's great if they win, but what is really important is that we encourage all the children. So, please, no razzing of the opposite teams or inappropriate displays of support for your own. If you see other parents on your team doing this, please encourage them to stop.
  2. Remember that you are all role models for all kids. Teach them to be good sports and to enjoy the game. If you swear or are abusive to players or coaches or umpires, you will be sending the message that this is the correct way to act. If your coach asks you to stop or leave, please do so without protest (If you refuse, your child's team may forfeit the game and you may be banned from further participation in ESAA.)
  3. Remember that our coaches are all volunteers. You may not like how your coaches do things; you may even wish your child could have gotten on another team. But it is a short season, and there's always next year. Try to be supportive of your coaches and offer to help them in any way you can. Certainly do not expect them to be babysitters, chauffeurs, or in charge of controlling your child's bad behavior if it occurs. On the other hand, if a coach is doing something you consider seriously detrimental to the children, please talk to the league commissioner or call someone on the board of directors immediately.

Ninety-nine percent or our parents are very supportive of our philosophy. We hope that you will be among them.

~ The ESAA Board of Directors